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Our Background

Since being established, Drive Anything Ltd has been known for an unparalleled commitment to customer satisfaction. And an aim for safety above all else, successful completion of the task at hand in a safe manner is paramount, It’s this standard of excellence that has provided the impetus for us to grow into the business we are today.

We believe that the customer always comes first - and that means exceptional attention to detail and exceptional services. Get in touch today to learn more about what we have to offer.


Welcome to Drive Anything Ltd

We provide HGV Transport solutions, 

Dangerous Goods, 

Full ADR Including Tankers, High Security, 

Level D air freight secure.

 Trained logistics professionals with Decades of experience in all types of  Transport and shipping, Temperature control and Chain of custody.

We can provide all the tools necessary. Drive Anything Ltd have a large garage of mechanical tools and knowledge at our disposal to continue the journey without any added cost of calling in 3rd parties. 
using forklifts, Temperature controlled trailers, Dry ice, thermal gel pack solutions. liquid nitrogen, we are a step ahead. Our small workforce have been trained to the highest standard in everything we do. 

Securely delivering 100's of tonnes of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals to Nightingale Hospitals During Covid19

with a load refusal rate over a decade at less than 1% were confident we can complete the task at hand. 

Thank you for visiting us.

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Home: About


Exceeding Your Expectations

HGV Class 1

Here For You

We want all of our customers to experience the impressive level of professionalism when working with Drive Anything Ltd All of our services exist to make your life easier and stress free. You can trust us to supply you with the best top quality customer service money can buy from- ETA updates, (inc TomTom Live traffic updates and rerouting)- On time Pod's, - Customer liaising,- Cameras with the latest media sharing applications for document or photo sharing 

Get in Touch

HGV all classes

Next Level Service

Short term availability
Drivers hours and working hours are governed by Drivers hours laws and Drive Anything Ltd are responsible for Driving responsibly and within the guidelines of the law 

Please let us know how we can assist you today.

All our staff are trained to the highest levels.

Please email us with any queries, Thankyou.

Forklifts,   HGV all classes,   High Security,   Air Freight Secure. 

Get in Touch

Questions about the services we provide? Feel free to reach out today.

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Home: Opening Hours

Get in Touch is committed to exceeding your needs. Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to reach out today.

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